Coyote Creek Elementary

Kindergarten Registration
Please click this LINK to start the online registration process. This registration is for families that live in the Coyote Creek boundary.
Unsure of your school boundary? Click this LINK for School Locator information.
Have questions, please email Julie Lederfine, Registrar at: jalederfine@dcsdk12.org
Kindergarten FAQs:
Q: What is my child expected to know coming into Kindergarten?
A: Here is a resource to help families reflect on their child's Kindergarten readiness. This is not meant to be a checklist. If your child has some of the skills listed in each area, your child's skills are in line with the expectations for kindergarten readiness.
Q: When will I hear from Coyote Creek about Kindergarten?
A: After you enroll, the district automatically sends confirmation of the enrollment. After that, you won't hear from the school until we share details about Kindergarten Information Night. This will come via email in the spring of the previous school year. For 2024/2025 enrollment, this email came out April 15th, 2024.
Q: When is Kindergarten Information Night?
A: Sometime in the spring of the 2025
Q: How does the beginning of the school year work? Why is it different in Kindergarten than in other grades?
A: Douglas County School District implements a special transition process for our Kindergarten students called Balanced Beginnings. The first days of school will be staggered, with small groups of students coming in rather than the entire class. This eases the transition into Kindergarten and allows teachers and students to build positive relationships, introduce the new environment and routines, and collect informal data as they begin their year with students. We will provide more information closer to the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
Q: What vaccines are required?
Q: Can my child take the bus? How do we sign up?
A: Coyote Creek has bus service from the Sterling Ranch and Solstice neighborhoods. We do not have bus service for the neighborhood immediately surrounding Coyote Creek. General education students who are eligible will have a transportation link available at engaged.dcsdk12.org to request a new bus pass and make your transportation fee choice. If you do not have this link, you may not be eligible for transportation. This process signs you up to be able to ride the bus.
Additionally, we at Coyote Creek need to know if your Kindergartener will be riding the bus, and which days they will be riding. We pick up Kindergarteners from their classroom and get them on the bus. If your Kindergartener will be riding the bus in the 24-25 school year, please fill out this Google Form (coming soon).
Please visit the DCSD Transportation Website for additional information.
Q: What are school fees?
A: Please review this document.
Q: Where do I find the school supply list?
A: You can purchase school supplies on your own, or you can order through EduKits. With EduKits, you order the grade level kit and it is delivered to the school. If you purchase supplies on your own, you will bring them to school in August. ​
Q: Lunch Information
A: School lunches are free for students in Colorado. The free lunch is an entree, fruits and vegetables from the harvest bar, and a milk. Please be aware no water bottles are provided. A la cart items, an extra entree, and snack items are an additional charge. If you would like your child to have access to those items, you will need to add money to their lunch account through
My School Bucks. Kindergarteners will have a card in the cafeteria to scan so they won't have to put their lunch number in at first. Later in the year, however, they will need to learn their lunch number which is also their student number . You can visit Nutritional Services for more information on school lunches HERE. ​