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Special Education:  Center-Based Programming

Special Education Services
 Students identified with intellectual disabilities and/or multiple disabilities (A child with two or more areas of significant impairment, one of which shall be an intellectual disability) often require center-based programs.  Center-based programs provide specialized instruction aligned with Colorado's Extended Evidence Outcomes, and focus on the development of functional academic skills, communication, social skills, adaptive skills and life skills.  This programming is designed to increase students' independence throughout their education.  Students in center-based programs access general education classrooms based on their individual needs.  The programming is flexible and individualized, and not entirely self-contained.  
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Chelsea Krier

SSN Teacher

My name is Chelsea Krier. I have my Bachelor's in Special Education and my Masters in Intervention Specialist with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis. I am hoping to be a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) by the end of this school year. I have two kids that constantly keep me on my toes! In my free time, I love to travel and cook. My husband and I love to try all different types of food! 

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